I am 52 years old, and is it too late to start a business?

I have heard the saying that the age is a number.

I started my business when I was 59 years old, and I am still carrying on. But to tell you the truth, I have not seen great success, but I keep believing that I will see success one day. The critical aspect of spending my time in my business is the passion that I have for my business.

I want to tell you my story about a business I started 20 years ago. And I faced complete failure, lost everything, and almost went near bankruptcy. But I spend little money in this business because I am a writer, online course creator, and a coach. I was employed as an accountant for a long time and started doing this business, but I still do accounting work for a few of my clients.

Now you can understand age is not a significant issue to start a business. So I recommend you start a business as you like.

But please read the following to learn about starting a business.

Starting Business for the First Time

Please view this video and find answers to all the questions before you start your business and save yourself a lot of grief. You must research as you know desires about the niche that you want to start the business. The company will be yours, so never depend on others; anyone could make mistakes and create a big issue for you later. Please watch this video and read my eBook to learn more about starting a business.

If you want to be your boss, you must have a correct mindset and a passion for being an entrepreneur and be ready to say goodbye to your 9-5 job or keep your business for additional income. You are allowing yourself to your hobby as a business.

 Visit to get this eBook or the book.

https://bit.ly/3joa8Fe  Dummies Guide to Starting Your Own Business

 First, you must find a product or a service to sell and know the market situation for good. In other words, you must identify that your product or service has the potential market. Further, there are several factors to consider before launching your product.

Let us investigate the accounting side of your business because the books need to be in order; if not, you will be putting yourself in hot water with the government.

Follow this presentation video and find the answers to avoid a hard time.

Please visit www.satbusinessacademy.com for business advice, online courses, and eBooks to learn more about setting up a business.

My humble opinion about all these is that it is easy if you have good health and the capability to handle difficult situations, as that is the priority for anything, and passion for becoming an entrepreneur, you can enter a business at any age. But the only thing when you start a business at old age is to learn everything properly about your niche, the marketability of the slot, and finding target customers. It would help to become aware of all the ins and outs of running a business. Then, you might need capital when running a business; therefore, keep some money ready for your business.

That said, anything might happen when you are in business, so you must be strong-minded to face the challenges. I will give you an example. I know someone who has been in business for the last seven years and has never seen a big success, but that person continued to stay in that business because of the emotional attachment that she has had with that business.

Suddenly, she had to face a massive issue that brought her down financially, but she found some ways to overcome that and continue in the business. That is an example for all of us if we want to do business and reach our goals. Therefore, success depends on you regardless of age.

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