How to make & sell your eBook

How to make & sell your eBook

I worked in the accounting sector for a long time. I think I suddenly got tired of looking at the figures and wanted to do something else. I chose to do internet marketing, and I love what I am doing now.

I almost started with affiliate marketing in 2015 and progressed into other areas, working to achieve some success. I am passionate about Internet marketing and actively maintain a couple of blogs. My other projects include writing eBooks, taking online courses, and doing some accounting work for a few clients.

I always wanted to run my own business, but I didn’t want to spend a lot of money setting it up because I can use technology to achieve anything currently. Therefore, I decided to use these ways to set up my business. You will find it easy to make extra cash or full-time income when you start writing and selling your eBooks.

Do you want to have a publishing business?

In this day and age, anyone can become an author if they are willing to do so, as the technology is highly advanced and can get the help to advance your writing skills. It will be good to start writing short stories and then write electronic books because selling them is also very easy. Writing and publishing an eBook has become easy as you don’t need a publishing company or get permission to self-publish your eBook. 

Therefore, I will help you write and publish an eBook on a free platform. Would you please join me in working together and earning passive income monthly? I get my monthly payment from Amazon without answering anyone. Remember you can do all these without spending any money. If you have a computer and can write in popular word processing programs, you can publish and market your books online. Amazon has made it so easy to self-publish your eBook and make some extra cash, and if you do not take that advantage to make some extra cash, it will not help you become an author.

Therefore, I have decided to write this eBook to help people who want to make extra cash. It has a step-by-step guide on how to write and publish on Kindle.

You will have access to easy-to-understand information that will show you how and why you should consider writing eBooks as part of your business plan. Inside, each lesson will introduce you to the basic concepts of writing and publishing an eBook on Kindle and other publishing methods so that you can develop a better understanding of how the overall process works and how you can apply it to your own business!

This eBook was designed for beginners and will quickly introduce you to the power of creating a publishing business.

To get more details about writing & selling eBooks and to access them, please visit or visit Amazon; all my eBooks are under my name.

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