My Father’s Life


I am Vathani Ariyam, author of this eBook “My Father’s Life”, the youngest daughter of my father. I lived most of my life away from my father as I spent my youthful days studying in the city and only visited my family during the holidays. Then I married, faced too many issues with handling, and did not have much opportunity to see my father too often.
Then my children were born, working in the city hardly any time to visit him as there was a massive difference in the distance. Nevertheless, I consider that as an excuse, feel sorry about it and realize now the children should give the parents more preference than anything else. That quickly said, our country, particularly the area we lived, faced persistent problems and declared war zones.
It was a common issue in most families that missed their parents due to this reason, and the war destroyed so many people; all that we left with is their sad memories. There is no point in talking too much about it. I have written about the story of my father’s difficult, lonely life with considerable responsibilities in his hands.
If you read this book, you will realize how he lived as a role model for the past and future generations forever because he lost his wife at the age of thirty-six-year-old left with three little girls with him. I show how he sacrificed and worked hard to bring us up as educated individuals, even for me to write as if this is due to my dad’s commitment to live for our education.
He committed him to religion and God due to my father’s passion for our temple in our land. He developed our temple and spent most of his life devoted to our synagogue. The miracle all of us received was my father’s daily prayers, which saved us from a lonely and challenging life.
I am joining my sister in dedicating this book to my late father to remind the people who know the temple and my father’s dedication to the temple. I wish the new generation stands by the people in charge of the temple to continue their services without any distractions, either financially or physically, throughout the years.
I submit this book to remember his life as a teacher, father, and the founder and the developer of the temple.
May God bless you to have a happy and peaceful life forever.