Overcoming Procrastination
What is procrastination?
Procrastination is carrying out less critical work and putting off vital work for whatever reason that you may have. You are purposely delaying it despite knowing the consequences. People like to do more pleasurable things instead of less pleasurable things, and they fail to realize that it wastes time and brings unnecessary stress and pain shortly afterward.

Why do we procrastinate?
What is going on in the brain that causes us to avoid what we should be doing? Many researchers have revealed a sensation called time inconsistency; this shows that the brain likes to value immediate rather than future rewards.
How to Control Procrastination?
It is all about putting off what you have to do at present and in the future because you don’t like to do it as it is dull, not affordable, and unpleasant. Delaying and wasting time is not going to help you in any way. We are all humans; everyone has a habit of procrastinating at some stage, but it is essential not to allow it to escalate and keep it under control.
My advice for procrastinators is to read the life of successful people like Warren.
Buffet, Bill Gates, Richard Branson, and many others are out there and follow their way of running the business. They are also like us but different in their performances and achievements. Therefore, wake up from laziness and avoid procrastination, contributing to failures.