Positive Parenting Techniques.

My name is Vathani Ariyam; I am the author of this course, “Positive Parenting Techniques,” and I am thankful to you for choosing this course. Let me talk about my parenting experience a bit before letting you know why I have created this course and also about the benefits you will get from this course.

I was brought up by my father, a single dad from the time I was born; he got some help bringing us up, and he was busy making money for his family, maintaining the house, and looking after us. Therefore, he didn’t have the time to teach us life lessons. I grew up ignorant and luckily got married and became a mother of two children. I was clueless about parenting methods and took it as a day-to-day event, not applying or following the correct procedures to raise my children. The new parents had family support during those days, I didn’t have any of that, but in this day and age, everything you need is available on the web.
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What you will learn
The importance of parenting is relaxation and patience that stops yelling at kids.
You will learn about reading books for kids, turning them into good readers.
How to protect your kids from some dangers in the home itself?
Support in their academic work.
How do we be role models for them as children are great imitators?
Mom should have a hobby to relax.
How will you bring up an optimistic child?
If you do not teach them valuable life lessons when they are young, it becomes impossible to teach them when they are older.
How will this help you as a mom?
Most new parents lack proper parenting knowledge and make mistakes that affect their child’s future. If you want your child to grow up happy and intellectual, you read this course in full and use that knowledge to help your child.
I also want to talk about my life; that is a good lesson for you, please remember that as well.
I grew up with my father, a single dad from the time I was born, and he got some help in bringing us up; he was busy making money for his family, maintaining the house, and looking after us. Therefore, he did not have the time to teach us life lessons.
I grew up ignorant and luckily got married and am a mother of two children. I was clueless about parenting methods, and I took it as a day-to-day event but did not apply or follow the correct procedures in bringing up my children. The new parents had family support during those days, I did not have any of that, but currently, everything you need is available on the Web.
I have serious regrets about some issues I missed for my kids at that young age; I have created this course to help new parents because of this experience.
I am sure you will benefit from this course to motivate and correct yourself if you have any issues. You also can use this as a handbook to refer to when you want to inspire yourself when dealing with your kids on a day-to-day basis.
Please visit this link to access this course: