Start a business or work better?

I am Vathani Ariyam, author of the eBook “Start a Business or work better?”. I wrote this eBook for people who have a misconception about starting a business, and because of that, they get stuck in their jobs.
They will learn the difference between owning a job or a business. To clear the confusion in leaving the job and starting a business.
People have a fear of starting a business.
Why do some stay in their comfort zone?
I want you to realize that business is not for everyone.
When you read this course, you will wake up from your misconception and make the right decision.
All that said, I will never advise anyone new to the business to leave the job and start a business without knowing the consequences. If you leave employment, you will lose the money feeding yourself and begin to struggle. So The best way is to find a side hustle and keep your job. Try your level best and grow your side hustle; then, you can think of reducing your hour. Therefore, you are in the best situation: a job and a business. As time passes, you will know which will help you in the long run and select the best for you.
Let me give brief advice in the event you want to stay as an entrepreneur; the few things that you must keep in mind are:
Hard work
Do not expect overnight success.
Be ready to face challenges, bring the courage out, and fight the challenges. If you encounter some failures, never give up; always find ways to find the solutions and fix them to move forward till you achieve your goal.
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