Story of a Close Family Fell Apart.

“Story of a Close Family Falling Apart” is about a family that has been doing well for many years, and everything has changed beyond their control. They lived in a village where many of their relatives did not like them well during their time. A town is where many people face a lot of poverty and lack of education, but they get together in difficulties, support each other, and live close to each other. People show differences according to their status, and the caste system exists. So, this family was no different from that. When someone faces disrespect from one of their neighbors, they cannot tolerate that and start cursing the family who showed disrespect towards them.
Another thing is jealousy, which is common among them; if someone is doing well, many people around them will feel jealous of them. When you read this story, you will understand that. Then, people who do well become arrogant and ready to show that to anyone they meet. In this story, how their eldest son failed in his life, his dad says he has not made any significant achievements and is still the same. In our religion, there is a saying that arrogant people face failure and will never return to where they were before the fall.
Next, the man’s wife and the second son also passed away from sickness, and the opinion of the people among them is the curse they got from Tom’s girlfriend’s family because they abandoned her due to some minor disputes. There is a strong belief that what goes around comes around in our culture. Then, the parents made many mistakes as they did not want to leave their old way of living and had to control their young men a lot, mainly in marriage and education, even after they attained maturity.
Giving children enough freedom is essential, but you can support them without interfering in their lives. That said, critical factors here are that the parents maintained unity in the family so that there was never any disagreement among the brothers in the family; they were always very supportive of each other, which remains the same until now. So, remember, unity is vital for all of us as we do not know when we will face problems, so we need support from the ones around us.
I hope you will learn a lot from this story, and if you like it when reading it, please remember to leave a valuable review to motivate me to write more stories like this for you.