The story of an incompatible marriage.

The story of an incompatible marriage.

I am Vathani Ariyam, the author of the eBook “The Story of an Incompatible Marriage.” Thank you for picking up reading this, and I hope you enjoy reading it.
I am sure that we fall in love with someone in our life sometimes; we are lucky and become happy and have a happy life. It does not work like that for all of us, and we have difficulties. So, please think about my questions for you.
- What do you think about true love?
- What makes a prosperous man fall in love with a woman who has no means in her life?
The story that I will tell you now has all the answers. The account will follow my discussion about the impact of incompatible marriages.
First, let me talk about what I have seen in my life about the impact mainly on women after marriage. Some women with looks and education but no family support rush into marriage and make a huge mistake. It is normal if you do not have emotional support from your family; you will not have much-thinking power, when you have your mother around, she keeps talking to you about life, and you do not have to learn yourself.
So, the educated woman marries a man less educated than she could end up with all the troubles because of the man’s insecurity. She might be educated but could not bring any money to the man’s family because of her family’s situation. In that case, the man’s family will try to undermine her to develop a division between the couple partly because of jealousy. Later how the man changed and tried his best to destroy everything in her life, I have explained the implications in detail in the story. When you read it, will you understand it?
Here is the other side of our life, when a rich man falls in love with a poor woman, you will know the amount of agony the woman gets from the man’s family you will learn when you read this eBook.
The effect on incompatible marriage.
John falls in love with Jade even though he is from a wealthy and famous family where he does not interact with his mother and the rest. He almost grew up with the nanny and the father spending most of his time. He almost had terrible relationships with many women. Most of them were after his money and tried to use him.
He happened to employ a woman called Jade as his secretary, and in his view, she was a genuine person who never looked to use anybody’s weakness to her advantage. Therefore, John appreciated her, and that slowly developed into a love for her. Jade’s love and care showed him did not have any wrong intentions, as she appeared to be a person who cared for her boss in many ways.
So, when John got the true love that made him happy and wanted her for him for the rest of his life, his family did not like her because she came from an underprivileged background, but that did not bother John.
John’s brother Peter and his wife were the main reason for creating all the problems for John and Jade, even though that Jade did not worry about their behaviors towards her, as she never knew that John was in love with her.
Jade left John because of the family’s problems, and I want to stop writing here and allow you to read and find out what could have happened in the end.
One of the most vital things you can learn in this story is how we can be cruel to each other even though we are born to the same parents. Remember that we all need money, but it can destroy if we are not setting the boundaries to make the best use. The misery in families due to money is partly because of the parents’ mistakes.
The effect on incompatible marriage.
It is an absorbing story, and I am sure anyone will enjoy reading it.
Please do not forget to leave a helpful review if you liked and enjoyed the story to motivate me to write more.