Why do people blog?


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This book “Why do people blog?” will show you how to create a blog, why you need a blog, and how it can help your presence in the internet world.
I am Vathani Ariyam, founder of Sat Business Academy, where we give business and accounting advice, create online courses, and write books. We also offer free coaching services to help people to learn how to write an eBook. Apart from all the above, I do accounting work with my long-term clients.
Let me look into why people blog; they do that for many reasons that benefit them and people worldwide. We all like to share knowledge as that helps people to learn from each other. Besides, they want to bring out their expertise to the outside world to get the recognition that results in making money.
Further blogging makes you famous; if you want to know how please read my explanations in this book for you to follow. When you start writing for your blog, you become interested and passionate about writing which can lead to many ways of making money, and recognition as an expert in your industry. How to make money, you can compile all your blog posts into a book and sell that; then, you will become an expert writer and start a writing business.
Now you are a blogger, book writer, and entrepreneur, which will allow you to meet the top industrialist in your field. You are creating a chance to meet those people apart from those lots of other people who read your blogs and would start to comment on your blogs. Whether you receive negative or positive feedback, you know that people are reading your blog, and if you get positive feedback will inspire you to do more work. In contrast, the negative feedback you will learn from others also has to be grateful for sharing their knowledge with you. Do not ever ignore the comments; make sure you send your reply to increase your customer base.
Here again, I want to tell you that you might wonder Why do people read blogs?
People read blogs even today because they want information and entertainment, and they might not read the entire post they choose and scan the news. They read interesting blogs, make them laugh, or intrigue them in some other way. Remember, the most crucial thing is people want to learn from your blogs.
Further, if you have a business, you will expand your customers because they read your blog and visit you to see your product or services.
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