How to deal when failing all the time?

I think failing in life is common, and then people talking bad about you are another hung you face. The joint acquisition is others’ look at you as a time waster besides wasting money in their view. It is the general opinion about you that other people around you build.
In life, not everybody the same and not everyone sees victory, so that should not stop anyone from trying anything to build a better future.
You always failed in your life that has made you a laughing stock for others but remember, you might have passed the age of becoming a successful person. That does not mean that you have to forget everything and live a sad life.
I fully agree with everyone who says that an older mum or dad should devote his or her life to the family. It is a widely accepted thing that family comes first for anyone. However, you can do something during your free time to recover from the wounds of failures.
Many failures for many reasons.
You might be an ambitious person but lived a life with many failures due to many reasons. So now, you have concluded that you are a failure that wounded accepted forever in that sense. Therefore, when you get a mind-set to do something during your free time, start valuable something to you & others who will feel that your work has helped them in their lives.
I feel that someone who expects you to give up everything you do and concentrate on them only not a good idea. It is entirely out of order for people to expect you to be a slave to them without making you a happier person in your way. I think it is now the time for me to talk about past life and me.
I was a failure as well, but that said. In addition, I achieved something in my pure life because of my father. If not for him, I will not be writing this today; he loved education, so it was my duty to make him happy. I still can remember the day glad that I saw in his face when he opened the letter from the examination board. But I have lots of regrets other than that for not taking care of his old age. In addition, I did not live near him; that was one of the reasons.
Someone who is a failure may not be entirely for their mistake; others should give them the slightest support to comfort them. Instead, most people out there tend to underrate them all the time. If individuals did not make enough effort to better themselves, they would receive the blames from others.

How to deal when failing all the time?
Then, on the other hand, they tend to keep away from people who are well off in their life; sadly that is normality in anyone’s life. They keep away because they do not want to feel low amongst others, but the right thing for someone to do is to make them feel better by how the well-off person behaves in their circle.
Life is so difficult for the elders to bring others together without showing many differences. We have to understand that the failures do not stay as failures all the time. People try their level best to come out of that circumstances and er themselves at some point in their life.
Do people change if they start to see success after long struggles in most of their lives? If they change like that, I will say that they are heading for troubles again in life. They would have faced failures because of their wrongdoings; therefore, they have to change some of the bad habits forever if that is the case. If a person were a lousy spender, you would have to change that habit, as you do not want to go into difficulties again. People have to change themselves in many ways to become successful also to maintain that success.
Why do some conclude a person will never succeed in life?
Consider me a lot of them that I will never be successful in my life now as I have passed that age. Is it that an actual older person, when starting something new at a later stage, will never become successful? What could be the reason for it? Let me write some points here:
- Lack of thinking power and understanding
- Not very organized
- Not enough strength to handle difficult situations
- It may be due to some illnesses.
- Too scared to spend money.
- Lack of collaboration.
How to deal when failing all the time?

The above may be accurate, but how can we say that applies to each adult individual who wants to start some new business at an older age.
So how can they overcome these hindrances when they start a small business at an older age?
For anyone to become successful, everything depends on each person’s mindset, like willingness to do, passion for it, and last but not least the determination. Therefore, if you have the right attitude, you can overcome anything to achieve your goal, whether too young or too old.