How do I develop my business model?

A business model is one of how to create, deliver and capture your customers. I have my business model, and when I try to talk about it to people, most of them do not understand. In addition, they feel surprised to hear that, and most of them do not want to listen as they think it is beyond their capabilities. That said, I understand about blogging and social media promotions, but they feel reluctant to join me, as they believe it is not easy to make quick money. Therefore, that makes to find a co-founder to join my business.
My story
I became interested in internet marketing in 2015 and tried many things with no success. Eventually started creating online courses, as I was a tutor when I was young and writing books and eBooks. My latest online time was how to set up a charity; it is useful for many people out there because they do not need heavy funding to start a charity. A charity gives education, food, clothing, shelter, and many more. I am sure many people are interested in charities but do not have the required knowledge to set one up, so my course becomes useful to help them.
- Adapt your story to your audience about How do I develop my business model?
I started creating online courses to help people who cannot study, lack time, or maybe due to illness. Besides, I write eBooks and books intending to help people who cannot have internet access.
2.Why my online courses need to exist
Online courses are easy to access if you have the internet and knowledgeable about using the computer. Most of my classes are affordable, and anyone can use them from all over the world.
- Is your idea worth pursuing? What is the ROI
My idea of creating online courses is useful to everyone worldwide, particularly now as most people around the globe are getting used to online education. Some people do not like face-to-face education. It helps them as well. Even if we get over this present situation, the people will want to stay with online education because I mentioned it here.

- Can you pull this off? Show proof that you are the best person to do this.
I have published all my courses on Udemy and achieved some success, mostly with my accounting and business courses. That gave me more inspiration, so I have decided to create a new website only for an online system and publish them from my website.
- Customer segment
I create online courses, books, and eBooks for business, accounting, self-care, and parenting. Further, I have a little bookkeeping practice where I do the business consultancy work as well. Therefore, my target market is Students, small companies, Parents, and working moms.
- My Business model
It is usually a direct business model where the user becomes the customer.
Direct business model.
Part of my business can be a multisided model because people read all my blog posts-free, but some become interested and try to become a customer for other reasons. I can segment the customers and users by using Google analytics. In this model, users use my product, and the customers pay for it.
2. Marketing strategy
I spend a fair amount of time weekly on social media like Facebook, Linked In, Twitter, Pinterest, Reditt, Instagram, and Tumbler posting contents daily as I am looking forward to increasing the organic traffic. Even though I am aware, it does not work overnight but still can work if I provide quality content for a long time. I plan to create the right amount of organic traffic, do an analysis to segment the customers, and become aware of what these customers need from my business. Once I have done that, I will set a budget and start with paid Facebook/ Google ads advertising.
Besides, I create YouTube videos and host regular webinars to promote my business.