
I am Vathani Ariyam, author of the book “Introverts Build a business on their quiet strength.” They are generally shy people who lack social skills and are reluctant to speak to people, even at gatherings. They are good listeners and will not jump into conversations like extroverts because they take time to think. Extraverts chatter and regret after, but introverts listen and enter into a conversation. Introverts have plenty of time on their hands; therefore, they could be more productive.
When they want to build a business, they take enough time to decide, plan, and try to accomplish after that. Introverts usually find it challenging to work in busy places; therefore, I think they find comfort in working from home.
Therefore, the crucial point you will learn from this book is the low-cost ways of setting up a business. When setting up a company, you might meet negative people. They will take advantage of your quietness and try to undermine you, so keep away from negative people. If not, you will lose your courage.
Most entrepreneurs face failures; some of them give up straight away without giving themselves another chance to archive their goals. They do not realize the winners meet so many faults, but the losers never fail because they do not try.
In this book, I have explained clearly to inspire you to stay in business and not leave those results in a more significant loss. The most critical issue in running a business is having a passion for being an entrepreneur; if not, it is not worth discussing.
I am sure I have written this book very well with the hope you will get inspired and become an entrepreneur and stay there until you succeed.
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