
I am Vathani Ariyam, author of this eBook, “How to Survive in your unplanned entrepreneurship?” It is an eBook showing all the difficulties a person goes through when he gets into any business without prior planning. If you read this eBook, you will learn to avoid the issues I have gone through in my business life. People who do not have the opportunity to plan before starting a business will not always fail. However, they must sacrifice, work hard, face serious challenges, and learn while running a business. All that wastes a lot of time, money, and unhappiness.
After all, I believe you can still overcome that and become a winner. There is no point in being a lonely entrepreneur; therefore, the first thing is to come out of loneliness. Then start to invest in yourself, enhance your knowledge, and once you can bring your business under your control, start looking for collaborators to work with you.
I have explained the benefits of having a partner and the cons as well. It would help if you learned all the procedures for finding a partner, then shared the responsibilities to achieve the best in your business. If you run an internet business, learn the drawbacks and develop your reputation online.
Then if you want to take your business to a higher level, you need to be aware of the essential skills to acquire that stage.
I am sure the contents in this eBook will help any aspiring person, even if you do not have money and support. Good luck with your new venture.
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