How to make meetings better?

First, we have to find out our reason for having a meeting: there are so many types of engagement, from a staff meeting to a ceremonial gathering. We host meetings to make crucial decisions, find solutions to all the issues we face in our business and share our thoughts. We all know that meeting is effective as it allows you to have face to face communications which can improve the relationship.
Anything we try to do in our life needs a perfect plan; if not cannot make people understand you. A meeting means people get together and share their knowledge on a subject for discussion at the meeting. So, prepare your documentation for debate; if not, you might miss specific vital points needed for discussion and let everyone know the schedule well before the meeting.
Start the meeting on time.
If the organizer fails to start the meeting on time, frustration will begin to set in, and people might tend to leave without attending the conference.
Plan and agenda
When you have a plan, you will not miss anything vital; timing will be better, and easy to begin the meeting. The organizer’s responsibility is to make slots for the remote attendees to get equal chances to contribute.
Keep away the unwanted discussions.
There might be someone who might start talking about something that is not on the agenda; then, it is up to the organizer to stop others from getting irritated.
Make it as short as possible.
Usually, people will not like long meetings, therefore to have a better discussion, it is vital to stick to the points that need addressing without spending time on awkward things.
Encourage introverts to contribute.
Most of us tend to ignore an introvert that makes anyone feel bad, so the organizer must ensure that they are not left out.
Avoid distractions.
It is better to break from some meetings if it is a bit of a long session, but that does not mean the participants can distract themselves from the conference and give a hard time for the organizer.
No confrontations.
When everyone starts to talk about the same subject, there could be disagreements, but we will have to make sure that we do not end up in confrontations.
Make it a bit enjoyable.

Having a bit of fun will help people remember you and the discussions with others, so find ways to make it fun by including some things in the script when you write to discuss at the meeting.
Appreciate the best contributor.
Some of us could be experts in the subject that took for discussions to give an excellent contribution and share our knowledge, so the organizer has to appreciate that contribution.
Finish the meeting with excitement.
Creating excitement at the end will encourage the people to join you; it will inspire them and make everyone happy when they realize that they learned something new that can help them use it for their benefit.
I hope these points have helped you; if you plan to hold a meeting, you must follow the topics mentioned here to make it a successful meeting.