How can we fight the unbelief in ourselves?
Are you not believing in yourself?

Do you know the reason for it? If not, why didn’t you find out the reason for it? What makes you feel unbelievable you? Is it because of your past failures? If not, you may be living with the wrong crowd; if that is the case, move away from them.
Do you know people are ready to put others down only because they want to feel better than you in this society? Another reason if they keep you down, they can use you to their benefit as you will not have the courage to leave them to live on your own.
These reasons are pure because of selfishness, and they do not want you to do better in your life. So now let me come to the point of how you can bring yourself from this situation. Remember, you have a long life to live; you do not want to waste it because of other people’s opinions. Others think that you are a vulnerable person who cannot do anything better for yourself, maybe this conclusion of others because of your weakness.
How can we fight the unbelief in ourselves?

You have to be mentally strong to avoid others taking advantage of you. Therefore, the first thing is to ignore their remarks, and you become a more assertive personality. When you get harsh comments, do not take that to your mind but take that as your inspiration to better yourself show others as a new person.
How can you develop personally?
Start reading books about your weaknesses and how people get over them. The best way to come out of your liability is to acquire knowledge to improve your confidence, say; for example, if you like something to do, start studying about it. When you start in a small way and practice that daily, your confidence will begin to progress slowly along with your desire. After that, you will get thoughts like this. I can do it now. Then do not stop there thinking that you are confident enough and give up on learning more things.
When you have acquired enough knowledge about what you like, move onto an advanced area of the subject that you are trying to learn. Say you are learning to speak very well; once you have gained that confidence, do not stop there; move onto say try to make public speaking and learn to write as well. That means you are trying to improve yourself in a couple of ways.
How does that help you?
When you know that you can speak well, can be an excellent public speaker, and writer starts looking for places where you can use your talents and knowledge, maybe join some groups to show your abilities and mix around with confidence. Then people will begin to look at you as a good speaker may plan to hire you for one of their events. When you accomplish what you have to do well at the event, your successful life starts there.

How can we fight the unbelief in ourselves?
Ultimately the people who put you down will come to know about your achievements; they start to respect you. Now you understand the ways to earn your respect, confidence and believe in yourself. You might think it is all easier to say, but challenging to achieve that is a wrong way of thinking. Start to think positively and work towards achieving your goal, also. Do not ever take it for granted that everything will come quickly. I want to insist you can complete becoming a better person with hard work, determination, and consistency.