The truth is, you are in a better position to be your wife’s husband than anyone on earth. You are married to her and you are the father of her child. The reason she wants a divorce is that the disadvantages have far outweighed the advantages for so long that she has made this very painful decision for her it is painful! But it is even more painful for her to remain married to you. The solution is for you to see to it that her relationship with you is painless and clearly in her best interest. You must eliminate every situation where she has been uncomfortable (including your trying to get her to stop talking to her friends), and replace it with things you do that meet her emotional needs. Granted, since she is in the state of Withdrawal, at first she will not want you to meet her needs, so she may not give you much opportunity. But the reason she is in Withdrawal is that you are doing and saying things that cause her to raise her defenses
Save your marriage ebook.
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*Save your marriage
If we are married, live together for a long time, and have two or three children, we think that we are happy that everything is fine and do not have a problem. Suddenly, financial difficulty shoots up due to loss of earnings, or the family business goes down. The tension and stress start, especially between the husband and the wife, because of the problems. They begin to argue as they cannot fulfill the day-to-day living expenses. Also, they could be facing intimidation from the creditors from the business, and the marriage could fall apart. I am a married woman, and if that happens to me, I will think about keeping the family together as money is essential, and I know the family is more important than that. Children will like to see their parents together, and it will damage their future if I allow things to fall apart.
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I will try my best to find a temporary solution like the following given below.
Get help from either family for a short while till we find a job to support us.
A temporary bank loan
Stop talking and finding faults about the losses; if not, it will escalate tension.
Help from the Social services
Start a home business that doesn’t need any money, and I have given some helpful tips in this blog.
In some marriages, either one of the partners has an affair and confesses it to another partner; you can still save the marriage if the other partner still loves your husband or your wife. Further, in some other unions, both of the accomplices have a romance and admit it to another accomplice; you can, in any case, spare the marriage if the other accomplice still adores your spouse or your wife. In any case, it takes a considerable measure of hard work. Firstly, you ought to be capable and ready to pardon; furthermore, you have to make sure whether your accomplice is entirely fair will they procure the other accomplice’s trust.