How small actions can lead to big success.

How small actions can lead to big success.

Have you ever had a tremendous job to do and been daunted by it?

 Again, and again.

And then it never gets done.

I faced a situation like this a couple of months back.

I wanted to finish compiling my 200-page book “Dummies Guide to starting your own business” and publish it last month. I kept putting it off; it took me more than a month just to put it together and self-publish it because I nearly started the work and left it halfway down the line. Then one day, I also decided to set a time to do so, took action in a small slot every day, and managed to finish everything also published my book a few days ago. I am so excited about it as I never thought that I would accomplish my desire of publishing my hardcover book, now it is available on Amazon and has a few hundred thousand readers, so pleased with it.

It is common for us to have this feeling; maybe you want to start writing something but do not want to do it now, keeping the desires in you. 

If that is true, do not delay taking action straight away, everything is easy these days because of the advancement in technology, so why not make the best use of the opportunity.

So, the secret is, little and often!

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It applies to any task you take over to do for you.

The same is valid with starting to write a book.

You might be wanting to write your book.

Not started even keep burying your desire.

 Stop worrying. Generate a small amount of work each day.

Only promote recurring income products; when you select a niche with a market and write a book about it, publish it will have sales, not once goes on forever.

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