Teach money lessons

Learning to handle money properly is one of the biggest lessons that elders can teach their youngsters at a proper age becomes vital currently. If we leave it, do you know what will happen the youngsters grow up without knowing the consequences, they end up wasting the money and become broke at their early stages. It is a lesson no one teaches other than the elders in families, there is no class for that in school or colleges, so we take the responsibility to teach the value of money to the youngsters.
Why do most of us are broke most of the time?
We spend money on unwanted things like too much eating out, clothes, shoes, and entertainment; of course, we all need these things, but we must learn to draw our lines to stop overspending. Some make mistakes in purchases, e.g., someone bought a house without doing significant research, the house had so many issues, and within two years, they didn’t like that and sold it and moved to another place. Do you know the amount of loss they made in the house, fees for the agents, solicitors, and payment to the government all lost and paid the same thing for the next place? So wrong purchases will waste and destroy your money; therefore, you must shop around for the best deal.
People trust the job too much.
When someone is in a job, they never think they could become jobless one day and never plan for anything like that. Also, never save any money to cover up the sharp losses; therefore, they start to live on credit cards straight away. So that debt accumulates, and they must pay heavy interest; in the end, they come to a stage that they cannot even pay the monthly dues on credit cards.
So, when you are in a job, you must prepare yourself for the disappointments and losses you might meet; therefore, you must learn to have separate savings account to use for emergencies like that.
Do not ever think about retirement.
When you are young, you forget about old age, and there will be a time when you will not be able to go to work. So, every one of us should prepare ourselves to have a financially independent life so, for that we need to start our savings from the day we begin to earn our money. If we fail to do that, we will start to seek help from our children to top up the monthly pension that we receive from the government.

Solutions for the wrong decisions.
The best solution is to learn to manage money from your young days, like living with a budget and having a correct record for all your income and expenses. Remember, whether you are a big earner or not, you might fall into a financial mess if you do not set up an organized way of spending your money. It is an issue that can escalate soon if you run a business; it will become impossible to control your finances if you do not have a proper system to manage the finances. And can quickly go into enormous debts and lose everything in the end.
When we see all these in our life, we become aware that our youngsters should learn the money management from their young time for that our parents have to take the responsibility of letting them know these things from the early stages. That allows you to see your kids doing well with the money when they are grown up, which gives you peace of mind.