Family Money & Debt eBook
What you will learn here:
How do people fall into debt?
Bad Spending habits
Finding A side hustle
Set a Budget
Why is money being essential for us?
Why does family love money?
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I am creating this “Family Money & Debt eBook,” to bring awareness to people who spend their money without thinking about their future. Managing money and debts is essential for your happiness and avoiding health issues in your life. Most people spend more time looking for ways to spend money rather than making money.
What you will learn here:
Therefore, in this eBook, you will learn a lot from my bad experience.
Many meet challenges with money, so this eBook teaches you how to manage that.
Setting a budget helps you to come out of bad debts.
Many people do not believe in budgets which is wrong, will never come out of the dire situation.
Bad debts’ adverse effects will face health problems, family issues, and neglecting your kids.
Bad habits could put you in debt. You will learn to come out of it.
Learn how to manage money if income is less than expenses.
If you want to improve your finances, learn how to set up a business with no money.
You will learn money management and use your knowledge to teach your loved ones.
How do people fall into debt?
Some people spend their time shopping and unnecessary entertainment, which they cannot afford.
Make wrong investments of their money and fall into severe debt.

Never change their bad habit.
Therefore, we must understand that money and health are two crucial factors in our lives, and we lose our happiness if we lose either of them.
Debt is the result of the mismanagement of capital; that is why I have integrated debt and money management in this eBook.
Once you have sorted the immediate issue, prepare a budget straightway, follow, and monitor it regularly to save you from any more troubles. Then start to look for ways to increase your income; you might be having a 9-5 job, then lookout for a side hustle that can bring extra income for you also, start to save some money after this bad experience to meet with emergencies.
I hope that I explained all that you need to understand about money and debt management, and that helps you decide to purchase this eBook to learn and avoid future trouble.

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