What stops you from accomplishing your dreams?

We all have dreams, but most have pleasant dreams and stop there without action. That may be due to many reasons.
If you lack confidence, you can only dream, not perform that in action, so you can build your confidence while you dream about something. How will you build trust? If you are so anxious to fulfill your dreams, start something related to your plan, small and achievable. Then set your goal to achieve that and begin to work on that. You might fail for the first time; will you give up immediately? I say no. So, repeat your first effort to achieve that small goal using a different strategy you might win this time. Once you see the win, set another goal to try again, you will win here without any hazels. I am sure now you have some trust in yourself that makes you happy and confident. Therefore, keep trying like this until you believe in yourself and that you can do better.

Many people dream a lot but do not want to do anything because they feel lazy to do anything to achieve that dream. They start to talk about their vision with others, and they might see some of their friends when they hear their ideas and begin to do better to achieve that dream. So, the lazy person can feel inadequate about him/and feel jealous of their friend, and try to underrate them. That becomes their regular habit, and they live that way as a waster.
Worry about other people
Dreamers should not worry about others. They have to feel proud that they have got an idea and start to work on that. If you start to worry about others’ opinions, you will end up as a failure. It is wrong of you to expect good views from others that stop you from trying anything yourself. Maybe your close friends and family might give you the best opinion even if that might not help you, and you have to have a solid mind to develop yourself by working hard, learning, and enhancing your knowledge. If you do all that, you will overcome other people’s opinions and live your life independently.

It is the biggest enemy in our lives. When an individual starts to dream about something, say want to start an online business, the fear sets in mind when the dream finishes. Then you will never take action after that. Whenever the plans come to the mind, the fear also accompanies them stops from moving forward to take action. The fear kills your desire, happiness, peace of mind, taking action and prevents you from doing anything, and you will end up as a weak-minded person. We all take new learning, take steps, and implement what we learn to give ourselves a strong mind and personality. Then even if you like to start something, you will keep putting it away due to fear of failure.

Learn to set your dream according to your capabilities.
If you set too high goals and also take them too fast, you will set yourself to failure. Therefore, know yourself better about what you can do and your wish, then put your goals according to that. Do not rush yourself starting anything straight away; instead, plan, learn and set yourself for your achievement. Besides, patience, hard work, and consistency will take on the path to success.