*Working From Home Can Be Lonely – But Doesn’t Have to Be
Working from home can sometimes be incredibly isolating and lonely despite the perks. But this doesn’t have to be a “new normal” – there are ways to cope
After you explore the joys of wearing comfortable clothes, not dealing with long commutes, and having no one micromanage your day, working from home can lose
There are effective ways to deal with loneliness while working from home — or avoid it altogether:
1) Return To the Office
Assuming it’s safe for you to do and an option available through your employer, consider returning to the office.
Some companies offer hybrid schedules so employees can work from home for part of the week while spending time in the office during the rest.

Even one or two days a week spent mingling with coworkers may reduce your feelings of loneliness and isolation.
For some people, the benefits of seeing others and working with coworkers outweigh the perceived disadvantages of working in an office.
Yes, working in an office will mean a commute, and you (probably) will have to wear regular pants — not your favorite pair of pajama bottoms.
But spending a day or two each week in the presence of others can make the other days working from home much more bearable if you’re struggling with loneliness.
2) Use A Coworking Space
If you’re a freelancer or entrepreneur with no real office to “go back to,” consider using a coworking space instead.
Although you may not be familiar with coworkers you know, simply being around other people may help reduce your loneliness.
Having an “office” to which you can physically travel can also help you establish a routine for getting ready for the day and doing something different.
Answer truthfully — when working from home, how often have you gone between showers or getting dressed in “normal” day clothing?
If a coworking space isn’t an option, coffee shops are a tried and true method for those who want to be where the people are while they work.
As long as they have Wi-Fi and table space—and you’re not bothered by the background noise if they’re busy—your local coffee shop (even chains like Panera Bread or Starbucks) might be a perfect solution.
3) Reach Out to Colleagues
If you haven’t already, find private channels to contact someone outside of Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom.
Even if your message is just a bunch of emoji reactions to the most recent meeting, having someone to talk to about work can feel less isolating.
I did this even after I left my job

My work bestie was my real-life BFF, and we often texted throughout the day.
I had to be sensitive to the fact that she was on the clock and didn’t have the same freedom to chat, but it still felt good to be connected.
4) Join Local Groups
If you’re a freelancer or entrepreneur working from home, consider professional groups like the Chamber of Commerce or a young professionals group.
But if you work remotely from home and need a way to be around people, consider a meetup based on your hobby or interest.
Take a cooking or art class.
Join a biking or hiking group.
Go where the people are doing what you love to do — or are just interested in learning more about the same things you are.
Meetup is an excellent resource for connecting with others who share your interests or industry.
5) Go Outside More Often
This sounds like a no-brainer, but when you’re working from home, it’s easy to sit at your desk for 12 hours without blinking an eye (or, in some cases, getting up to pee — which you should do, too).
Eat lunch at a local park.
Walk around your neighborhood — to walk your dog or yourself.
Go outside and touch the grass occasionally. If it’s warm enough, stand barefoot and enjoy the sensation.
It’s so easy to feel caged in and isolated when we see the same four walls while we work — and when we’re done with work.
Getting outside helps reduce stress and allows you to breathe fresh air occasionally.
You’ll probably see someone else and can quickly wave or nod, an excellent reminder that other people exist.
6) Work Less, Play More
Working from home, whether for yourself or remotely, provides more freedom.
So why do most of us work longer hours?
It’s often because we’re trying to prove to ourselves or our bosses that we’re “really working” and not slacking off.
But all that work contributes to feeling lonely and isolated, making it hard to feel like you have time to reach out to others or do anything besides work-related tasks.
Create a (complex) boundary for yourself regarding when you’ll stop working every day—or at least most days.
This boundary will give you a clear separation from your workday once you’ve left your desk and provides room in your life to do other things.
7) Make Plans After Work
You’ve stopped working at a particular time. Now, do something with that time—ideally with another person.
Plan a date night with your partner. Meet up for a happy hour with coworkers.
Go to Target or the grocery store and wander through the aisles if it makes you happy. Who doesn’t love a sale?
The point is to use your time for something you enjoy that gets you around others.
If you can make those plans with people you know, even better.
You’ll be able to laugh, talk, gossip about work, or do whatever helps you connect with others.
8) Talk To a Professional
You can follow “all” the self-help tips to feel less lonely and isolated while working from home, but it may not help you.
Maybe you can’t go out much due to your health and the ongoing pandemic.
Maybe your feelings of loneliness are part of depression, anxiety, and other mental health concerns.
Working with a mental health professional can make a big difference.
They can help you identify what you’re feeling and why and solutions to help you navigate those feelings and work through them.
You’re not alone in needing professional support, and you’re not broken.
Most importantly, you’re worth the effort it requires to feel better.